

Mining & Tunnelling Solutions

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Personnel & Loco Tracking

The MTI Personnel & Locomotive tracking system is an integrated system provides valuable tools to managers with extensive data collection capabilities, real-time management abilities and report generation functionality.


An integral part of any critical communication network is the SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system. The SCADA system provides an operational overview and control of the sub-systems that form part of the communication network. MTI Tech Ltd maintains offers SCADA systems for a wide range of solutions and applications.

Environmental Monitoring

Ensuring the areas that we work in are safe is one of the paramount considerations when risk assessing when entering a confined space or a process operation.

Fixed gas detection systems are usually deployed in tunnels and mines and usually comprise of sensors for measuring many types of gases, both toxic and flammable. Typical gases being measured are as follows –

Ventilation and a supply of fresh air is critical in a confined space environment, such as a mine or a tunnel. A minimum fresh air supply of 0.3 m3/min. per person should normally be sufficient to maintain a respirable atmosphere. Additional ventilation should be provided where construction is to be used, to mitigate the effects of exhaust emissions and/or heat generated.


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